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Virtual Social Behaviour on
E-commerce Platforms
In the competitive world of online retail, the slightest details of a product can significantly impact its perception and ultimate sale. As the first stop for over 90% of shoppers, Amazon's product reviews and prices hold a critical influence. However, user-contributed content, such as ratings and reviews, often lacks appropriate channels for accountability, leading to a distorted reflection of product quality. Amplified by the virtual nature of the platform, inaccurate reviews can become the norm, ultimately hurting both sellers and buyers. This project addresses these issues and creates a fair and reliable review system.
Social Behavior | Deviant behavior study |
UX Research | UI Design
Team & Role
Individual project, as an academic project at National Institute of Design
4 weeks ( October 2022)
Area of intervention
How might we make the review & rating system of products fair to sellers online, by channelising the reviews by customers in the right direction?
To study the social behaviors in a virtual space, and understand the manner in which certain behaviors get amplified in the non-physical context. After identification of a target behavior a UX Strategy was defined to address it, and interventions in the UI interface were made accordingly.
Final Outcome
Identification of targeted deviant behavior.
Devising a UX strategy and UI intervention to address the chosen issue.
How might I nudge customers to give reviews
at the right place and the right time?
Problem statement
UX Strategy
UI Design
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